Finally Pickles, They’re Back!
Kosher Dills, Bread & Butter and Garlic Pickles, Golden & Red Beets, Napa Cabbage, Green Onions, Spinach, Purple & Green Asparagus, Crisp Greens, Eggs
- Asparagus, greens, eggs, honey and juicy apples @ McCleaf’s Orchards.
- Crisp green lettuce, strawberries, beets, Kholrabi, broccoli, kale and pastured beef @ Hillside Meadow Farm.
- Pastured chicken, pork, mustard greens, and eggs @ Green Gate Farm.
- Spring flower baskets, fresh cut flowers, honey and plantings @ Plantmasters.
- Goat cheese, Goat meat and artisan soaps @ Thistle Thicket Farm.
- Phil’s DIlls has returned with great fresh tasting pickles.
Take Away @ The Market
Plan ahead and take home a delicious meal or sweet treat for yourself or entire family. Start your weekend meal planning with a fresh pie, seafood, cheese, breads and pastries. The weekend starts Thursday!
Simply Delicious (Pies and baked treated)
All Things Olive (Olive oils, specialty vingars, salts)
Salt River Lobster (Fresh Seafood)
Pizza Brama (wood-fired pizza) Order ahead here
Bonaparte Breads (french breads and pastries)
Le caprices de Joelle (Paella, Belgium Waffles, Quiche)
Gift Giving
Stop by award winning Beads by Bettina for the perfect pair of springtime earrings and necklaces to perk up your spring fashions. Light and lovely!