What’s New - Honey Crisp Apples & Cider!
Zestar, Rambo, Gala, Pink Pearl, Ginger Golds, Pluots, Peaches, Donut Peaches, Pears, Heirloom Tomatoes
- Apples, peaches, green beans, greens, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbages, green onions, eggs, honey and apple juice @ McCleaf’s Orchards.
- Sweet Corn, tomatoes, crisp green lettuce, beets, Kholrabi, broccoli, summer squash, kale and pastured beef & chicken @ Hillside Meadow Farm.
- Pastured chicken, pork, mustard greens, and eggs @ Green Gate Farm.
- Flower baskets, fresh cut flowers, honey and plantings @ Plantmasters.
- Goat cheese, Goat meat and artisan soaps @ Thistle Thicket Farm.